Expansion:Unrecoverable Internal Error 05864a86
It happens i noticed when i strike down a certain enemy. I tried google for answers but cant find many. I reinstalled the game and did a scan disc and defragmentation on the harddrive. Nothing works. I will admit that i have Udietoo item editor. But i have mostly only used it for my hirelings items. I have added light radius and enhanced damage to my armour and a couple small other things. I am pretty sure this is the reason for the crashing and errors. I tried deleting all those items in the trainer, but they wont disappear. So i just sold them to a NPC. Im open to answers on what to do. It stills freezes in either 2 mins of game play or an hour. basically as soon as i strike down a monster that is about to drop a certain item.|||What OS are you running?
Any computer specs possible?
Desktop or laptop?
Do you have any kind of modifications attached to d2?
What version are you running?|||My advice:
1. Uninstall the cheating program.
2. Delete any characters you cheated with, and any items you found with those characters.
3. Start over without cheating.|||Noodle, be easy on somebody who has started 2 days ago.
I've heard Open B-net has funny hacked char circles.|||Yeah, another reason not to go to Open B-Net, I'd say. Just my opinion.|||I'm telling you, it has it's own fun, doing something you shouldn't

a lot of "hacking" programs uses dll hooks that open certain d2 files so they can access those certain files and change them.... thats how bnet catches you also... cause a lot of maphacks hook into d2.mpq or the .exe itself and thats really easy to catch... on open bnet if thats what ur playing on it doesn't really matter you can use item editors and its fine...
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