First off I'm new to Diablo 2, I used to dabble in Diablo one but today I decided to get the second. After I install the game, and try to open it, a black screen comes up and has a little white line like this "l" at the top left of the screen, and then it doesn't progress, any ideas?|||Reinstall?|||Tried twice already, same result, how many discs are suspoesed to come with the game, cause I bought it off my friend and it came with 3?|||Diablo 2 whit 3 discs
expansion (LoD) whit 1
i remember that i had same problem long ago, but dont know what did i excatly done
try waiting few mins (for intros, or something) or try switching game into 2d (@ video test)|||try running diablo in window mode. This little bar most often means there is some trouble with fullscreen mode.
To run in window mode:
-rightclick on diablo shortcut
-chooose properties
-add after a space -w to the field called target
-close window/save changes
-restart diablo|||try running D2VidTst.exe from your d2 install folder
set it to directdraw(2d) and try runing d2 again|||Mostly likely video issue like they say, but you could also try installing the latest patch manually instead of waiting to pick it up off battlenet.|||It was just a matter of running it in 2d, thanks for all of the replys though!|||Ok i found a fix to this problem ive seen it all over the internet game wolnt start symblos and numbers at the top left corner i had the same problem by watch my video on how to fix it without running in safe mode.|||You just necroed a 4-year old thread, with a "useless" youtube video and with your first post.
Inb4 lock.
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