Ok so a few days back ive found one, thought i sell it but then better use it for my zealers merc.
equiped it and played about 3 hours until i noticed nothing drops from monsters ( expect mob bosses, baal etc ) when decripfy is activated and the monster die.
I dont step in and let just him kill in act 1, first monsters until it casts something drops, a large mob is then under the spell and not a single one drops something, not even gold.
This does not happen if he use bonehew for example.
I have never met anyone experienceing it, thats why i wonder even more if it a bug or some strange error. But the thing is drops come right back if he use something else :/
I cant imagine it being such a nice weapon when this happen all the time. I mean iam a zealer with lifetab so iam not completely without drops on large mobs, but it sure annoys me.
Any advice, info? Would be much appreciated.
didn't notice, reaper's must not be the cause.|||Thank you for your time making the vid and prooving iam wrong, what a relief. Means i can keep it, hopefully just some strange error
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