I've been reading online, i've followed the server reset thing, i've reset my router, and modem, i just came back from a big WoW Spree, and it wont let me on Useast, i have new cdkeys, and its not just my pc, cause no other pc in the house can access useast, when we click useast, then battle.net we get the modem connection error, like you would have during a temp ban for hot muling.
i looked at my bnet log and its really odd. i'll post it, you'll see in there where i got onto west just fine, but the east stuff is weird....i dont get it.
3/11 11:47:07.037 Writing default gateway list
3/11 11:47:07.038 Parsing new gateway list (version 1002)
3/11 11:47:07.038 Find gateway closest to 05.00
3/11 11:47:07.038 Gateway 1 ( at GMT 00) is closest to 05.00
3/11 11:47:07.038 Recording gateway list selection
3/11 11:47:07.038 Auto-picking gateway based on GMT
3/11 11:47:07.038 Find gateway closest to 05.00
3/11 11:47:07.038 Gateway 2 (useast.battle.net at GMT 06) is closest to 05.00
3/11 11:47:07.038 Auto-picking gateway based on GMT
3/11 11:47:07.038 Find gateway closest to 05.00
3/11 11:47:07.038 Gateway 2 (useast.battle.net at GMT 06) is closest to 05.00
3/11 11:47:10.887 Connecting to Battle.net...
3/11 11:47:10.897 querying gateway useast.battle.net
3/11 11:47:10.943 searching for the fastest server
3/11 11:47:11.001 Connected to server
3/11 11:47:11.001 accessing accounts
3/11 11:47:45.917 Connecting to Battle.net...
3/11 11:47:45.917 querying gateway useast.battle.net
3/11 11:47:45.957 searching for the fastest server
3/11 11:47:46.011 Connected to server
3/11 11:47:46.011 accessing accounts
3/11 11:47:48.597 Connecting to Battle.net...
3/11 11:47:48.597 querying gateway uswest.battle.net
3/11 11:47:48.637 searching for the fastest server
3/11 11:47:48.775 Connected to server
3/11 11:47:48.785 accessing accounts
3/11 11:47:48.935 Checking for the latest version
3/11 11:47:49.172 Connected to Battle.net
3/11 11:47:49.301 Recording gateway list selection
3/11 11:47:53.366 Connecting to Battle.net...
3/11 11:47:53.378 querying gateway useast.battle.net
3/11 11:47:53.408 searching for the fastest server
3/11 11:47:53.460 Connected to server
3/11 11:47:53.470 accessing accounts|||I have the same problem. I can Log onto any other realm besides this one. And when I do get on then go off for some reason I cant get back on. Makes transferring to mule accounts impossible. Already had to cancel 2 trades due to lost merchandise. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.|||I'm also having this problem, nobody in my house can get to US east but we can all get to us west, and I'm new to D2 but not to computing, I've never heard of a problem like this. Any help?|||I'd say it's the anti-bot protection working against you. Every time its happened to me, its been in instances of several switches (3 or more) very quickly. Where before I had properly opened ports it result in a temp ban, in these instances it would basically lock me out the same way - just not with the possibly lengthy restriction.
I just try to be careful not to switch too fast, and its saved me a lot of headaches in the long run.|||Check out Blizzards support page about port forwarding http://us.blizzard.com/support/artic...rticleId=21109
To make sure those ports are forwarded in your routers. This can be part of the reasons you can only connect to some of the realms.
Also be aware than any firewall be it windows, zone alarm, black ice, sygate, Norton or other can block certain ports but not others. It's best to turn off all protection when playing to make sure. If you have the latest windows updates and don't go on shady sites you should be pretty safe from hack attempts if you are only playing D2.
Also be sure that your keys are valid. If you buy keys on Ebay or D2 itemseller sites for the incredible price of 9.99. Then expect those keys to be sold to more than one person. Blizzard still charge full price for D2 so common sense would dictate those sites multi sell the same key to more than one person.|||My buddy had the same problem. Look at the log. See the phrase "3/11 11:47:07.038 Gateway 1 ( at GMT 00) is closest to 05.00" ? It's asking for the computer's time. He had his time set to "US Central" time zone, and he lives in Philly. He set it back to Eastern Time Zone, and it works just fine. Maybe this'll fix your woes as well. If not, give opening the ports in that other post a try. If none of that works, contact Blizzard support.
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