Well I was playing on my tankadruid in NM. I decided to litterally stand and fight nonstop and just use rejuvs (was lazy). I went up and started rhaping the beast. He used LI and it missed. I figured because he was attacking my merc. Then when my merc died he did it to me. I was litterally close enough that the beginning of the inferno didn't touch me. Every other move he had worked on me but LI... So basically I just stand next to him when I fight him now. I repeated this twice and it worked both times. My only peice of advice... Stay AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE! If you are too far you will get ownd. :) Well I'm not sure when this nice glitch was available but if anyone else has done it tell me when please?|||I don't think this is a bug, I believe it's by design. You still get hurt by the Lightning Hose while up close, but it's not quite as devastating.|||My ES sorc can do it with sufficient MDR, but can't say the same for Hasaan

|||No I didn't get hurt at all. I had 1065 hp and no life leech (I use hunger for that) and I lost no hp expt when he used a regular hit. I know what I saw.|||Happened to me as well, on three different characters. It seems that they added a minimum range where it doesn't hit at all. I wouldn't say its a bug, could be as mjkittredge said, by design ^^|||As far as I can remember, this is the way it has been for years. I've always gone up close with my characters to fight Diablo, and avoided the Lightning Inferno that way.|||Hmm.. Never worked like that in 1.07 with my noob barb D: but oh well. I won so that is all that matters. Now Diablo is way less terrifying... XD Except with a charger... When you charge that is.|||It isn't a move that I'd try to tank by any means...because it's not hard to dodge at all.
If your merc is getting owned it either doesn't have enough lightning resist or damage reduction--not that either will help if he/she gets caught in the middle of one.
-Kinky|||Yeah, that's a well known trick. When I fight against D, I usually namelock Teleport/Dragon Flight to get as close as possible.|||Again, Never knew this... I found it out on accident. When was this flaw "figured out"?
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