I do countless runs, hitting Hell Andy, Meph, Trav and Chaos and nothing ever drops anymore.
The best drop i got was an Ali-Baba from NM Diablo when rushing a mate.
Ive played from .09 onwards and never have i found so little from mfing.
I dont believe it has much to do with having about 200-300MF as i found WF, GF and lots of other decents items aswell a patch or so ago with the same setup.
So whats the deal? Has Blizz cut the drops to accomodate for all the botters running millions of games a day? I run 50 or so at a time before i get sick of finding nothing...
Should i stack my MF again to like 800 when it was cool to have that much? Or am i just having lots of bad luck and everyone else is finding Perf Tyreals every second game?!?!?

The items are there, but if you're competing with bots on bnet, you're going to be frustrated pretty easily (as that was what got me to switch). Nice finds last season are often a pittance.
Stacking your mf won't make enough of a difference - consider pickup up atma and using the drop calculater to get an idea of just how rare items you're accustomed to finding really are.|||yeh ive used atma to find out where the things i wanted were (well the most likely place)
but still, i used to find decent stuff quite often, but i just dont find anything anymore..
but to know that im either not the only 1 experiencing rubbish drops, or that nothings changed makes me feel a bit better... kinda not really haha|||Yeah, it can feel like that. But often is very relative. Even during the height of my wealth on Bnet, I myself hadn't found too many great things. Of course, what is otherwise a nice find may feel like nothing when you consider market values.
Last ladder, I found a vex, and an ist, a coa a few pairs of wartravs, a few shakos. Yet if you looked at my full HR rune mule in IK, another mule in Nat's, another mule in Griswald's... and the runewords I had, you'd think I found plenty of high value stuff. Truth be told, I wasted more time muling junk.
On the new ladder, I found myself burning out quick, as the effort I put forth was more than I did last season, but it failed to pay off as the market was entirely different. It wasn't so much that I was finding nothing - it was more the fact that what I was finding had deteriorated in value, while my runes\runewords had gone up.
Since I made the switch to SP, not having to perm games to mule (or worry about losing items) and not having to worry about temp bans from making too many games too quickly, I've found things I hadn't previously on bnet.
Like, for example, I've had multiple IK sets, but never found the armor. In a few months of general running, still not a single drop. Finally, I focused on purely pindle. Several hundred runs (if not a thousand or two) later, he finally drops it randomly. Found some other nice things I didn't care much about other than them being extremely rare drops, like the ghostflame that was about 3 times rarer than the stupid green sacred armor I wanted to find. It wasn't till I made the switch to SP till I really got to get a feel for drop rates - and its typically worse than we fondly remember.|||Yeah, i was having a play round with ATMA last night, wish I'd done it ages ago as i was under the (false) impression that Hell Diablo could drop TC87, needless to say I've switched to Baal. Yes, i know he has a low chance on TC87, but after said browse round ATMA i realised just how low everything was so I might aswell run something for the XP aswell.
I've found most of the normal stuff - including 2 IK armours this ladder, I've just never found a Griffons / Deaths Web / Deaths Fathom etc so I'm gonna Baal (and Nilthalak) until i do :). I've never had a lvl 99 either so at least sooner or (much much much) later I'll achieve one of the 2 goals

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