Also my merc has decided to dissapear. Litterallly will be next to me next thing you know poof gone. Comes back sometimes. With Act III merc everytime it attacks it dissapears. Even my rouge has frozen so it's not just my chars. Again same questions as above...|||Playing online or lan?
Either way typing /fps will supply game stats that might help.|||I play sp. and /fps was on. There is no problem with running speed or any other stat of that nature just random bugs/glitches are happening. I always have /fps, /nopickup on and sometimes /players8. I don't have music on so it helps my speed (sides I have better music :))|||my suggestion is to uninstall then reinstall d2. i had a not too disimilar problem where i would get into a game, be there no longer than 2 minutes and then have d2 crash and burn. i'd start it back up and it'd happen again. finally i uninstalled and reinstalled and i've not had the trouble since.
ps. dont forget to backup your characters!|||OK, now it's official i guess. Frenzy Barb freezes! And I've found a way to unfreez him. Just open your Inventory Panel and your Merc Inventory panel, switch items between you and him, switch it back again, close both panels and voila - you can move again. It worked for me :)
Like - 5 minutes ago

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