Saturday, April 21, 2012

missing character o_0

I am trying 1.13 beta, and then all of a sudden I lost my current non beta character that was showing up on MP login before...I realize beta carries no guarantees etal,,but just asking has anyone seen this happen ( character shows up on local computer DIR under USwest and dates match and its not single player ) and have a fix if so ?


leebo|||The beta realm is a different realm from uswest.|||Quote:

The beta realm is a different realm from uswest.

I dont know what that has to do with anything at all.

Im asking what 'happened' to the character I was playing which was a sorcerer, which has been replaced somehow by my older assassin character I was playing a while back. I know it doesn't make sense but thats what has happened.

Even if I had made a error and somehow mixed up my characters, how would that affect my online game ?

Is this related to this beta ?

thx anyone

leebo|||so you're saying that when you login to your normal USwest realm you see your older normal USwest realm assassin character instead of your normal USwest realm sorcerrer ?|||make sure your using the correct realm and acctname

chars are marked for deletion after 90 days of inactivity

(name is open for new chars, if used it will be deleted)

accts are deleted after 90 days of inactivity|||Quote:

So you're saying that when you login to your normal USwest realm you see your older normal USwest realm assassin character instead of your normal USwest realm sorceress?

If indeed this is what happened, I can think of only one halfway plausible reason. The server on which your account and characters were stored may have suffered a catastrophic failure that resulted in the data being lost, and the server was restored from old backup files. Those backups contained your old character, but not your newer one.

I can't see how this could have anything to do with playing Beta, or with anything else you could have done.|||Quote:

make sure your using the correct realm and acctname

chars are marked for deletion after 90 days of inactivity

(name is open for new chars, if used it will be deleted)

accts are deleted after 90 days of inactivity

Thx everyone for chiming in, just letting you know {embarrasing though it is}, that I fixed it, by ( was talking with a friend whom I play online with prior to coming here today actually ) logging into MP with leebojamminman, which brought up my characater right away LOL.

I dont know why I had to create a new account, unless maybe somehow server was down at the time I tried as my acct names thus I had to create new , which may be why I thought this acct. was it and that I had lost my previous assassin character..OH well its solved anyway LOL

Thx for chiming in its appreciated.

Looking fwd to D3 as I'm sure most everyone is, while friend and I play through beta ( going well so far )



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